Gary Greenberg
GREENBERG is the author of The Moses Mystery: The African
Origins of the Jewish People (Birch Lane Press, 1997); reprinted in
paperback as The
Bible Myth: The African Origins of the Jewish People (Citadel
Press, 1998), 101
Myths of the Bible: How Ancient Scribes Invented Biblical History
(Sourcebooks, 2000, paperback edition 2002), The Sins of King David: A New
History (Sourcebooks 2002), and
Manetho: A Study in Egyptian Chronology
(Shangri-La Publications, 2002). Coming up next, The Judas Brief: Who
really killed Jesus?You can read excerpts from Mr. Greenberg's books
on this site along with some of his other writings on the ancient Near East and some of his
academic papers.
The Moses
Mystery has also been published in Greek; The Bible Myth in
Portuguese, and Russian editions; 101 Myths of the Bible in Spanish, Korean, Greek,
Serbian, and Croatian language editions.
A New York City criminal defense attorney and
President of the Biblical Archaeology Society of New York (BASNY), Greenberg
has long been interested in the intersection between ancient myth and
ancient history, especially as it applies to Egyptian influences on the
writing of the bible. The problem, he says, is figuring out how to separate
the myth from the history. For more on Gary Greenberg's views read the
stories in the New York
Press, the
Florence SC News or the Green Bay
In 2006, he served as a consultant to National Geographic
Television's Science of the Bible series. He has also lectured frequently on ancient history, mythology, and
biblical studies and has also presented papers at several academic
conferences concerned with Egyptian and/or biblical affairs, including the
International Congress of Egyptologists (9/95), the International Meeting of
the Society of Biblical Literature (7/97) and several annual conferences of
the American Research Center in Egypt. He has also written for several Egyptological
journals. He is a member of The Society of Biblical Literature, The Egypt
Exploration Society, The American Research Center in Egypt, The Historical
Society, and The Archaeological Institute of America.
Mr. Greenberg has appeared on numerous television and radio shows,
including Tony Brown's Journal, and talk shows hosted by Barry
Farber, Mort Downey, Bernie McCain, and Lionel, and has served as a guest
commentator on Court TV. He has also written on law, politics and computers. In
addition to writing a book on computer software, his work has
appeared in the New York Law Journal, The Champion, Creative
Computing, Personal Computing, Compute, Microcomputing, Kilobaud,
Torpet, The Abolitionist, Outlook, New York Libertarian, and Libertarian
Forum. He is the former Editor-in-Chief of Outlook magazine,
a journal of political commentary. In 1978 he
ran for Governor of New York on the Libertarian Party ticket.
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