Some Review
a keen eye for
the ways religious and political motives have shaped the story
of Jesus' arrest and execution . . . Greenberg
presses important historical questions and rightly insists on fresh
consideration of the evidence, particularly in view of centuries of
Christian hostility toward Jewish people and religion that found
inspiration in the Gospel accounts of the passion."--Catholic
Biblical Quarterly
“This study is a judicious
investigation seeking to shed light on some dark corners of
the crucifixion narratives in early Christian sources. The Judas
Brief should be required reading for both Christians and Jews, as
both communities have much to gain from reflecting on this crucial
topic.” — Robert R. Stieglitz, Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations,
Rutgers University
The book is very accessible in
terms of the manner in which it reads and is
well-argued, reflecting a revisionary examination of the ancient
literature. It deals head-on with many of the problems that have
troubled scholars for years, including the difficult and
inconsistent stories of Judas Iscariot, the involvement of Jewish
authorities in Jesus' death, and the increasing tendency of the
gospel authors to find ways to exonerate Pilate. __ April deConick,
Rice University
"vigorous defense of the
Palestinian Jews of Jesus' time . . . This well-documented
work . . . presents some interesting history and is clearly
written." — LJXpress (online supplement to Library Journal.) |