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War of the Werewolf can be purchased on-line in hardcover or trade paperback editions from the booksellers listed below. However, because it is a print-on-demand book, not all stores have it in stock, and the bookseller may have to special-order it. Some of the dealers listed below have copies in stock for immediate shipping, and some sell it at a discount. The hardcover retails for $25, the trade paperback for $18.

Now available as an eBook (glassbook format) for $8.


Laissez Faire Books
This is the bookseller most likely to have the paperback edition in stock for immediate delivery. To double check availability or order by phone call 800-326-0996.
To order on-line click here.


Order directly from Xlibris (the publisher) and save 20%
If you're not in a rush, you can order direct from the publisher and save 20% on the paperback edition. Order fulfillment may take a couple of weeks, bu if no one else has it in stock, this is propably the fastest way to get it.
To order by phone call 888-795-4274 ext. 273.
To order on-line click here.


Barnes and Noble
Barnes and Noble is somewhat erratic in its listing of the availability for this book but does occasionally have it in stock for immediate shipment.
hardcover    paperback


Amazon   hard cover   paperback


Borders   hard cover   paperback


Fatbrain   hard cover   paperback


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