Run under the auspices of the Oriental Institute at the University of
Chicago, this site provides a massive number of links to electronic
sources for the study of the ancient Near East. An essential stop for
those interested in further study.
ABZU Links to Archaeological Journals
A superb collection of links to a huge number of links to academic
resources on the ancient Near East, including discussion lists,
journals, language studies, archaeology, museums, atlases, and much more.
Limited Area Search of the Ancient and Medieval Internet. Enables you
to target your internet search to peer-reviewed academic sites that
focus on ancient and medieval studies. Eliminates the vast amount of
irrelevant junk that turns up on a typical Net search engine.
American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR)
ASOR is one of the leading academic institutions studying the Near
East. This site has info on their various books, journals, and other publications.
Ancient Near East Net
This site tries to maintain a portal to all matters related to the
ancient near east.
The Amarna Letters
The Amarna Letters are among the most important archaeological finds
concerning Egyptian and Near Eastern political interactions during he
mid-fourteenth century B.C. This site provides an on-line source for
these documents.
ETCSL catalogue of Sumerian literary compositions
A collection of scholarly editions of many Sumerian texts.
Linear A Texts On-line
Babylonian Texts of the First Millennium B.C.
Provides information about over 2600 transcribed texts.
Babylonia and Ancient Near Eastern Texts
This site contains a number of popular translations of ancient near
eastern texts, but they are not necessearily the most scholarly or
accurate editions. It has an alphabetic listing of gods that will
direct you to particular texts and some links to the Encyclopedia
Brittanica. The site is affiliated with a fundamentalist church group.
The Sumerian Mythology FAQ
Some general information about Sumerian Mythology by an interested student.
The Ancient World on Television
If you would like to receive a weekly e-mail newsletter listing all
upcoming television programs about the ancient world, contact
Eisenbrauns Catalogue
Not only are they one of the largest publishers of scholarly works on
all aspects of ancient Near Eastern studies, they also carry a huge
selection of scholarly works from other publishers. You can get on
their catalog mailing list by writing to them at POB 275, Winona
Lake, IN 465-90-0275 or link to them online at
This catalogue of archaeological books for sale has over 5,000 books
and prints on the archaeology of Egypt, the ancient Near Easte,
Greece, Rome, and the Americas
New York Public Library
The NYPL book catalogue (CATNYP) is a useful resource for the casual
browser looking for literature on the ancient Near East.
Biblical Archaeology Review
This link will take you to the Biblical Archaeology Society web site,
where you can link to their three magazines, Biblical Archaeology
Review, Bible Review, and Odyssey. The first two magazines are aimed
at the general public interested in biblical archaeology and feature
articles by leading biblical scholars. The articles generally lean to
historical analysis with many colorful illustrations. Persons who
believe in biblical inerrancy might be upset by some of the content.
Odyssey also covers archaeology but it is not limited to the near
east. You can access articles from the current issue at this site.
Society of Biblical Literature
One of the largest academic membership organizations devoted to an
examination of biblical literature. The site provides access to a
number of scholarly resources for the study of the ancient Near East.
Bibical Studies Resources
Dr. Jim West maintains a nice collection of links to sites containing
resources for biblical studies. You might also want to check out the
photo collection.
Tel Dan Inscription Web Site
The Tel Dan Inscriptions are among the most exciting recent finds in
biblical studies. They contain what most biblical scholars believe to
be the earliest know non-biblical reference to King David, although
they date to over a century after King David's reign.The inscriptions
also mention to Hebrew kings. This site is devoted to scholarly
studies of the Tel Dan inscriptions.
The Bible and Interpretation
Check this out for all sorts of news about the bible and bible
interpretation. It includes new book information, commentaries, and a
variety of other information
Dove Booksellers
Dove sells scholarly books on biblical studies. In addition to
English, visitors can have German, French, and Spanish displays.
Josephus Study Site
Josephus, the first century A.D./C.E. Jewish historian is an
important resource for biblical studies, near eastern history, and
political events of his era. This site is dedicated to the scholarly
study of Josephus's writings.
Northwest Semitic Links
An academic site concerned with issues related to Northern Semitic civilizations.
David Hendin's Biblical Coin Page
David Hendin is a leading expert on biblical coins and the author of
one of the chief reference works on this subject. www.davidhendin.com
Discovery.Com: The Lost Ark
From the Learning Channel folk comes this site about the Ark of the
Covenant. It provides a discussion of its history and significance,
and provides information about various quests for the Ark over the centuries.
KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt
Great color illustrations, interesting articles on many facets of
ancient Egypt. The site makes available some of the current issue and
provides access to back issues.
Egyptologists' Electronic Forum (EEF)
EEF administers an electronic forum for the discussion of Ancient
Egypt. This site provides information on joining the forum, an
archive of past discussions, articles about ancient Egypt, book and
CD reviews, links, and other items for those interested in ancient
Egypt. From time to time, prominent Egyptologists join the discussions.
Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
An ongoing effort to publish the complete database of Howard Carter's
excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun. Many of Carter's discoveries
have not yet been published and this is an effort to make the
material avaiable as soon as possible. The site contains records and
pictures of what was recovered.
The Art of Ancient Egypt
An on-line look at pieces from the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Egyptian Collection
Travels with Mousey
Great for kids and adults. Not only does it provide an interactive
exploration of ancient Egypt, it also provides a portal to the
Archaeology on the Net Web Ring, with links to numerous sites
concerned with ancient archaeology.
The Bibliography of Ancient Egypt
Has a large collection of book titles and book reviews relating to
ancient Egypt.
Contains an expanding database of articles in Egyptological magazines.
The Ancient Egyptian Language List
This site is for people interested in th study of the Egyptian
Language. It also contains a number of important texts from ancient
Egypt in heiroglyph formate.
The Ancient Egypt Site
Contains info on ancient Egyptian history and language, a
bibliography, and a tour of the Step Pyramid at Saqqara. Some great pictures.
Reeders Egypt Page
A colorful site devoted to Egypts art, archaeology, history,
and religion.
NOVA Online: Pyramids, the Inside Story
NOVA, the PBS documentary show, maintains this site dedicated to the
pyramids. It has lessons on heiroglyphs and a virtual tour of the
Great Pyramid (Quicktime required.)